Student Editors
Role of Student Editors
The AYBIL is Australia's longest standing and most prestigious dedicated international law publication. The Year Book aims to uniquely combine scholarly commentary with contributions from Australian government officials.
Student Editors work closely with Academic Editors of the Year Book to edit and produce the journal. This involves proofreading articles, checking footnotes, and verifying all citations to ensure compliance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation.
Each Student Editor is acknowledged in print, and receives a copy of the volume they are involved in (subject to supply). The role is voluntary.
Applications for Vol 41
For Volume 41, student editing will occur from February to June 2022.
The role can be performed remotely if necessary. Students generally remain in the role for at least two publishing cycles.
Applications for Volume 41 are currently open.
Your application should consist of the following, which can be obtained by emailing the Publications Team:
- Completed application form;
- Statement of results
- Completed mock editing task;
Please send your completed application to by COB 28th April 2023.
If you have any questions about the role of Student Editors or the application process, please email the Publications Team at