Volume 37 (2019)
Obituary: Ivan Shearer by The Editors
Kirby Lecture in International Law 2019
New Zealand, Australia and International Human Rights: 1919–2019 by Sir Kenneth Keith
The Sir Elihu Lauterpacht International Law Lecture 2018
The Notion of Humanity as a Constraint on the Waging of War by Tim McCormack
ANZSIL Conference Keynote 2019
Climate Change, the Critical Decade and the Rule of Law by Christina Voigt
Tobacco Plain Packaging Agora
Public Health, Intellectual Property, and the Trade and Investment Law Challenges to Australia and Uruguay’s Tobacco Packaging Laws by Suzanne Zhou and Jonathan Liberman
Tobacco, Health and Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Australia’s Recent Treaty Practice by Tania Voon
Australia’s Approach to ISDS Reform in Light of Phillip Morris Asia v Australia by Emma Boland and Andrea Gronke
Truncheons and Tenterhooks: Approaches to Civil Suits against Foreign Officials in Key Common Law Jurisdictions by Lee Walker
Joint Development of Offshore Oil and Gas Resources in the South China Sea by John Abrahamson
A Sinking Feeling: The Effect of Sea Level Rise on Baselines and Statehood in the Western Pacific by Jessica Reynolds
Book Reviews
Book Reviews by Sarah McCosker (ed)
Regular Features
Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Concerning Questions of Public International Law 2018 by Alison Pert, Charlotte Ball, Patricia Carmelo de Souza, Callum Christodoulou, Ashley Kelaita, Ruijian Luo, Meg Winton and Simone Zhao
Cases before International Courts and Tribunals Concerning Questions of Public International Law Involving Australia 2018 by Alison Pert, Callum Christodoulou, Nicholas Gowland, Ashley Kelaita, Ruijian Luo and Meg Winton
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2018 by Frances Anggadi, Benjamin Huntley, Rhianna Benjamin, Lauren Burke, Sarah Grant, Andrea Gronke, Tess Kluckow, Alicia Lewis, Trina Malone, Pranamie Mandalawatta, Holly Matley, Alex Norris, Kate O’Connell, Amparo Santiago, Lucy Sargeson, Ashlee Uren
Australian Practice in International Law 2018 by Compiled and Edited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Developments in Australian Private International Law 2017–2019 by Andrew Lu, Sally Hill, Thinesh Thillainadarajah, Rob Leonard and Edward Lee
Australian Treaty Action 2018 by The Editors
Table of Cases by The Editors
Table of Statutes by The Editors
Table of International Instruments by The Editors