Volume 31 (2013)
Kirby Lecture in International Law
The Laws of War: Under Siege or Gaining Ground? by Louise Arbour
‘Strength through Cooperation’: a 21st Century Treaty for Multilateral Maritime Enforcement in the Pacific by Camille Goodman
Recent Developments in the Maritime Boundaries and Maritime Zones for the Pacific by Christina Trahanas
A Balancing Act: Retaining Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions in Investment Agreements and Balancing Stakeholder Interests by Thilini Perera and Dalma Demeter
Book Reviews
International Law, US Power: The United States’ Quest for Legal Security
Shirley Scott by Jeff McGee
How Interpretation Makes International Law: On Semantic Change and Normative Twists
Ingo Venzke by Joshua Paine
United Nations Reform: Heading North or South?
Spencer Zifcak by Jeremy Farrall
International Law, Cases and Materials with Australian Perspectives
Donald R Rothwell, Stuart Kaye, Afshin Akhtarkhavari, Ruth Davis (eds) by Dale Stephens
Regular Features
Australian Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2010 by Samantha Brown, Soo Choi, Emily Crawford, Sarah Schwartz and Tim Stephens
Australian Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2011 by Samantha Brown, Soo Choi, Emily Crawford, Sarah Schwartz and Tim Stephens
Australian Cases before International Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2010 by Emily Crawford, and Tim Stephens
Australian Cases before International Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2011 by Emily Crawford, and Tim Stephens
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2010 by Chelsey Bell, Alana Fraser, Sam Good, Clare Gregory, Erin Maher, Luke Muffett, Kate Orange, Zoe Scanlon, Mitali Tyagi, Patrick Wall
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2011 by Chelsey Bell, Alana Fraser, Sam Good, Clare Gregory, Erin Maher, Luke Muffett, Kate Orange, Zoe Scanlon, Mitali Tyagi, Patrick Wall
Australian Practice in International Law 2010 by Alexander Chapman and Sam Kealey
Australian Practice in International Law 2011 by Alexander Chapman and Sam Kealey
Survey of Developments in Australian Private International Law 2009–2012 by Andrew Lu and Thomas John with Rishi Gulati and Thinesh Thillainadarajah
Australian Treaty Action 2010 by The Editors
Australian Treaty Action 2011 by The Editors
Table of Cases by The Editors
Table of Statutes by The Editors
International Instruments by The Editors