Volume 29 (2010)
Kirby Lecture in International Law
Swimming to Cambodia: Justice and Ritual in Human Rights after Conflict by Hilary Charlesworth
United Nations Special Procedures: A Response to Professor Hilary Charlesworth by The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG
Burden of Proof in International Courts and Tribunals by Caroline E Foster
The Legal Value of Silence as State Conduct in the Jurisprudence of International Tribunals by Sophia Kopela
Limiting Good Faith: 'Bootstrapping' Asylum Seekers and Exclusion from Refugee Protection by Penelope Mathew
Defining the Rule of Law for Military Operations by Angeline Lewis
Book Reviews
International Courts and Environmental Protection
Tim Stephens by Donald K Anton
The Role of International Law in Rebuilding Societies after Conflict
Brett Bowden, Hilary Charlesworth and Jeremy Farrall (eds) by Scott N Carlson
Fisheries Law in Australia
Warwick Gullett by W R Edeson
Australian Peacekeeping: Sixty Years in the Field
David Horner, Peter Londey and Jean Bou (eds) by Hitoshi Nasu
Redefining the Pacific? Regionalism Past, Present and Future
Jenny Bryant-Tokalau and Ian Frazers (eds) by Brian Opeskin
Salt Water Neighbors: International Ocean Law Relations between the United States and Canada
Ted L McDorman by Donald R Rothwell
International Law and the Use of Force: A Documentary and Reference Guide
Shirley V Scott, Anthony John Billingsley, Christopher Michaelsen by Ivan Shearer
International Law on Peacekeeping — A Study of Article 40 of the UN Charter
Hitoshi Nasu by Dale Stephens
The Principle of Legality in International Law and Comparative Criminal Law
Kenneth S Gallant by Robin Warner
Regular Features
Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2008 by Emily Christie, Emma Hunt, Nithya Ramesh, Meredith Simons, Tim Stephens and Andrew Yeoum
Australian Cases before International Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2008 by Brett Williams
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2008 by Suzanne Akila, Jennifer Cavenagh, Emily Mackay and Kate Smyth
Australian Practice in International Law 2008 by Natalie Mendelsohn and Diyana Mansour
Annual Survey of Recent Developments in Australian Private International Law, 2008 by Andrew Lu and Kent Anderson with Kim Pham
Australian Treaty Action 2008 by The Editors
Table of Cases by The Editors
Table of Statutes by The Editors
International Instruments by The Editors
Notes for Contributors by The Editors