Volume 25 (2006)
Acta Sunt Servanda? A Regime for the Unilateral Acts of States at International Law by Camille Goodman
A Constitution Friendly to International Law: Germany and its Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit by Daniel Lovric
Towards Convergence in the Interpretation of the Refugee Convention: a Proposal for the Establishment of an International Judicial Commission for Refugees by Anthony M North and Joyce Chia
The Recent History of the Alien Tort Claims Act: Australia’s Role in its (Attempted) Downfall by Anne O’Rourke and Chris Nyland
Defending ‘Terrorism’: Justifications and Excuses for Terrorism in International Criminal Law by Ben Saul
Multiple International Courts and the ‘Fragmentation’ of International Environmental Law by Tim Stephens
Arbitrary Detention in Australia: Detention of Unlawful Non-Citizens under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) by Matthew T Stubbs
Casenote: Japan: Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples: Rotten to the Core? by Caroline Foster
J G Starke, QC by Ivan Shearer
Book Reviews
Listening to the Silences: Women and War
Helen Durham and Tracey Gurd (eds) by Noëlle Quénivet
Principles of International Criminal Law
Gerhard Werle by Almiro Rodrigues
Customary International Humanitarian Law
Jean-Marie Henckaerts and Louise Doswald-Beck by Ryszard Piotrowicz
The Governance of World Trade: International Civil Servants and the GATT/WTO
Xu Yi-Chong and Patrick Weller by Andrew L Stoler
Living by the Sword? The Ethics of Armed Intervention
Tom Frame by Ivan Shearer)
Regular Features
Australian Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2004 by Jane McAdam, Deborah Roach, Donald R Rothwell
Australian Cases before International Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2004 by Tim Stephens and Justin Hogan-Doran
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2004 by Scobie Mackay and William Story
Australian Practice in International Law 2004 by Edited by Jennifer Cavenagh and supervised by Justine Braithwaite
Annual Survey of Recent Developments in Australian Private International Law, 2004 by Edited by Kent Anderson and Jim Davis
Australian Treaty Action 2004 by The Editors
Table of Cases by The Editors
Table of Statutes by The Editors
International Instruments by The Editors