Volume 23 (2004)
Testing the Model Soft Law Approach to International Harmonisation: A Case-Study Examining the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency by Kent Anderson
Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection by Robyn Frost
Pre-Emptive Self-Defence: A Necessary Development or the Road to International Anarchy by Andrew Garwood-Gowers
Non-Governmental Organisations and International Law: Mapping New Mechanisms for Governance by Zoe Pearson
Negotiating the United Nations Trafficking Protocol: Feminist Debates by Gabrielle Simm
The Timor Sea Treaty and the International Unitisation Agreement for Greater Sunrise: Practical Solutions in the Timor Sea by Gillian Triggs
Judicial Treatment of International Law in Yarmirr by Jelita Gardner-Rush
Book Reviews
The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960
Martti Koskenniemi by Ian Clark
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary
Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta and John RWD Jones (eds) by Ben Olbourne
Refugee Law in Australia
Ros Germov and Francesco Motta by David Palmer
The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary
Bruno Simma (ed) by Chester Brown
Harris – Cases and Materials on International Law: An Australian Supplement
Jean-Pierre L Fonteyne, Anne McNaughton and James Stephen Stellios by Ryszard Piotrowicz
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Cases, Materials and Commentary
Sarah Joseph, Jenny Schultz and Melissa Castan by Sarah Pritchard
Regular Features
Australian Cases Involving Questions of Public International Law 2002 by Ben Olbourne, Donald R Rothwell and Tim Stephens
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2002 by Rebecca Mikhail, Philip Kimpton and Julie Dowdle
Australian Practice in International Law 2002 by Compiled and edited by Justine Garrett and supervised by Jonathan Chew
Australian Treaty Action 2002 by The Editors
Table of Cases by The Editors
Table of Statutes by The Editors
International Instruments by The Editors