Volume 21 (2000)
The Awfulness of Lawfulness: Some Reflections on the Tension between International and Domestic Law by Sam Blay and Ryszard Piotrowicz
International Law and the Use of Force by States Revisited by Ian Brownlie
The Place of Customary International Law in Australian Law: Unfinished Business by Henry Burmester and Susan Reye
The Exception of Non-performance: Links between the Law of Treaties and the Law of State Responsibility by James Crawford and Simon Olleson
Teoh and Visions of International Law by Gavan Griffith and Carolyn Evans
Constitutions, Constitutionalism and the Effective Implementation of the International Standards of Human Rights by Patricia Hyndman
Book Reviews
The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis
Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin by Kristen Walker
The United Nations and a New World Order for a New Millenium: Self determination, State Succession, and Humanitarian Intervention
Edward McWhinney by Caroline E Foster
Threat to the Peace: The Interpretation by the Security Council of Article 39 of the UN Charter
Inger Österdahl by Ivan Shearer
Regular Features
Australian Cases Involving Questions of Public International Law 2000 by Ben Olbourne and Donald R Rothwell
Australian Legislation Concerning Matters of International Law 2000 by Mary Wood, Derran Moss and Barton Hoyle
Australian Practice in International Law 2000 by Edited by Tim Bolotnikoff and supervised by Peter Scott
Australian Treaty Action 2000 by The Editors
Table of Cases by The Editors
Table of Statutes by The Editors
International Instruments by The Editors