Volume 12 (1989)
Recent Trends in International Law Making by Oscar Schachter
The Role of Equity in International Law by Vaughan Lowe
The Sources of Human Rights Law: Custom, Jus Cogens, and General Principles by Bruno Simma and Philip Alston
Theory, Consent, and The Laws of Treaties by Douglas Johnston
Reflections on the Role of Consent by D W Greig
Gender and International Law: Women and the Right to Development by Marilyn Waring
The Public/Private Distinction and The Right to Development in International Law by Hilary Charlesworth
Women, Feminism and International Human Rights Law—Methodological Myopia, Fundamental Flaws or Meaningful Marginalisation? Some Current Issues by Andrew Byrnes
Economic Rights and Social Justice: A Feminist Analysis of Some International Human Rights Conventions by Shelly Wright
A Gendered Perspective to the International Use of Force by Christine Chinkin
Book Reviews
Consular Law and Practice 2nd Edition Luke T. Lee by Jonathan Brown
Recognition and the United Nations John Dugard by D. W. Greig
Whose New World Order: What Role for the United Nations? Mara R. Bustelo and Philip Alston (eds) by Tim McCormack
War, Aggression and Self-Defence Yoram Dinstein by D. W. Greig
Chernobyl: Law and Communication Philippe Sands (ed) by Ann Gallagher
Regular Features
Australian Practice in International Law 1988 and 1989 by Jonathan Brown