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The Australian National University

The International Law Framework Underpinning the Australian Government’s Response to the Downing of MH17

Stephanie Ierino, John Reid and Anne Sheehan Vol 33 (2015)

In the days following the downing of MH17 on 17 July 2014, Australian Government lawyers collaborated with colleagues from partner nations to establish the international legal framework necessary to enable a rapid and coordinated international response to this tragedy. This framework, comprising seven separate international instruments, enabled the deployment of Australian personnel to assist in securing the crash site, and the recovery, identification and repatriation of the victims to their grieving families. It also supported the conduct of the aircraft accident investigation, and continues to enable the work of the criminal investigation and efforts to ensure accountability of those responsible. This paper details the purpose and effect of each of these instruments and the key principles of international law that underpin them.

Vol 33 (2015)

Table of contents

Updated:  19 October 2016/Responsible Officer:  Australian Year Book of International Law Director/Page Contact:  AYBIL Web Publisher