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The Australian National University

Amidst Simmering Tensions: Improving the Effectiveness and Coherence of the International Human Rights System’s Response to Mass Human Rights Violations

Annemarie Devereux Vol 38 (2020)
Special Issue: The Backlash Against International Law: Australia Perspctives

Viewed from a historical perspective, recent events in the Human Rights Council represent not so much a backlash against the international human rights system, as manifestations of longstanding tensions concerning issues of international oversight and enforcement. This article argues that it is possible to acknowledge, but not be constrained by, such tensions. More deep-seated challenges remain, including how to most effectively and coherently address mass human rights violations. After undertaking a case study of UN responses to Libya and Syria in 2011–2012, this article proposes concrete reforms that might be considered, including strengthening preventive capacities, pursuing creative procedural reform of the Security Council and increasing integration within the broader international human rights response system.

Vol 38 (2020)

Table of contents

Updated:  19 October 2016/Responsible Officer:  Australian Year Book of International Law Director/Page Contact:  AYBIL Web Publisher